Saturday 07 December 2024


The haemorrhoids can significantly affect the quality of life and the "good life" of those who suffer from the annoying presence of hemorrhoids. One in three people of the world population will be troubled sometime this excruciating problem because the disease does to a body area for which the public often feels uncomfortable to discuss or even seriously interested in the patient with hemorrhoids reaches thedoctor slowly, with advanced symptoms, without proper diagnosis and, sometimes with incomplete treatment. Any discomfort in the anal area should not be attributed to "hemorrhoids." Other diseases (fissures, fistulas around the anus, abscesses, etc.) can be presented similarly. The diagnosis of disease is aimorroidikis by a specialist rather than the patient or someone known to him. In societies with so-called 'Western' lifestyle, the fickle way of eating the meat-eating, sedentary lifestyle, decreased exercise and daily stress contributes to the exacerbation of constipation, which leads to the occurrence of haemorrhoids in people who have a predisposition. Pruritus (itching) in periproktiki area, bleeding during or after bowel movements, pain and discomfort affecting daily activities are symptoms of aimorroidikis disease. Any symptom or discomfort in the anal area should make anyone to seek medical help without fear or inhibitions.
The initial treatment of hemorrhoids is conservative. The most important thing is to fight constipation. Increasing fiber and water in your diet and use stool softeners for help considerably. Abuse local anal ointments, despite transient improvement may result in hazardous periproktikis dermatitis.
When the hemorrhoids persist despite conservative treatment, when inflated and not put back in, but especially when you bleed you require any invasive
A fuller understanding of the pathogenesis of disease aimorroidikis by modern surgeons led to the development of modern, less mutilated and more bloodless methods for definitive treatment of hemorrhoids. Knowledge of the anatomy of hemorrhoids vessels and the strong development of ultrasound technology in recent decades have provided the basis for the development of an innovative minimally invasive method with excellent results and minimal postoperative pain.
The ultrasound-guided ligation of hemorrhoids arteries is a modern, minimally invasive method for painless treatment of hemorrhoids. A special tool proktoskopiko identify aimorroidikes arteries using the built-in ultrasound Doppler.Already tracked apolinonontai arteries using special sutures and thus stopping blood circulation, hemorrhoids are no longer supplied, atrophy and shrink. Not required incision or rectal mucosa with a scalpel or other cutting tool (eg laser). H using general anesthesia is not necessary. The average turnaround time of surgery is about half an hour. The pain is minimal or nonexistent after surgery. The patient can return home the same day and the daily chores of the day. It needs special care or medication pre-and postoperatively. Especially for hemorrhoids that bleed the results are immediate. Apart from the symptomatic and bleeding hemorrhoids ultrasonic method is recommended for all degrees of hemorrhoids that are causing problems. The method has been implemented in Europe and America and has relieved thousands aimorroidopatheis.
Although the surgical treatment of haemorrhoids has been maligned as too painful for the patient, careful implementation of new methods by a specialist surgeon, offers excellent and lasting therapeutic effects, with rapid return of the patient in everyday life and, more importantly, without the agonizing presence of hemorrhoids.

Anastasios Xiarchos
General Surgeon
Speusippus 26-28, Kolonaki
210 7296584

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